April 15, 2009

Crochet for Charity.......Anyone?

Do you know a hospital, charity, church or a specific cause that needs crocheted items sent to them? Do you know a group that would like our crocheted squares that we have no use for?

If you do, please email me a paragraph or two and be sure to include:

1. Exactly what they need or accept.

2. Link to the charity.

3. Mailing address for the charity.

4. Contact person, email address and telephone number at the charity if at all possible.

I'm going to create a list of charities and hopefully some of you wonderful people will donate a square or two or possibly a blanket for a worthy cause.

If you decide to donate to the charities, please send me a picture of your squares or your blankets. I'll post them on the blog.

Remember charity begin's within.

Donna SmoothFoxLover@yahoo.com


  1. i have a charity


  2. I like to share squares with Close Knit Hugs

    http://k2.kirtland.cc.mi.us/~tatumm/ is the link

    She takes squares. She prefers 8-10 inches, but will accept anything. She'll take full grown afghans as well.

    The mailing address is:
    Close Knit Hugs
    PO Box 1100
    Lewiston, Mi 49756

    Good idea here! Thanks.


Please post general comments for everyone to see however if your comment is regarding that you want to test a pattern or need me to fix an error in a pattern - do not leave a comment. Just send me an email instead.
