August 30, 2010

Viola - a lovely tester's story

Viola sent me the email below and it brought tears to my eyes.  I just had to share it with you. Viola tests every pattern I create.  She is usually the first person wanting to test them. She's 75 years young and uses testing of my patterns as if it is a medicine.  It appears to work! It goes to show that having friends in the crochet world - even the cyber world called the Internet, is definately a good thing.  Viola you're the greatest! God Bless You!

She titled her email to me "A STORY TO TELL"

Almost 2 yrs. ago when I broke my wrist ,my forearm.and my upper arm due to a bad fall the Dr.s said  I would never use the hand, wrist, arm, on the right side again let alone CROCHET again, but look at me now...and YOU are a BIG PART of it, with allowing me to test and do your patterns it keeps me going....I showed my Daughters the Daisy Square and they just love it as much as I do...soooooooooooooo I have made 24 more Daisy Squares and I am going to make Table Runners for them both, as they both have large tables ...Everyone says YOU and YOUR crocheting are GOOD MEDICINE for me...I just had to tell you what my Family and Drs had to say about you....You get GOLD stars from all.........Lots of love and BIG Hugs...Viola


  1. That is so sweet; makes me feel bad for not crocheting when my wrist and hand hurt. I loved testing for you, too. I need to start again, maybe it will make me feel better.

  2. so sweet
    and it's wonderful to know a story like that: it makes me feel good just at the beginning of the day
    a big hug for you and for Viola!

  3. What a wonderful letter. Thanks for sharing this, its a great read to start the day.

  4. Way to go Viola on not giving up and showing them doctors they can be wrong :-) Thank you for sharing your story!

  5. Good for Viola and what a gift she's given you; apprecialtion of your art!


Please post general comments for everyone to see however if your comment is regarding that you want to test a pattern or need me to fix an error in a pattern - do not leave a comment. Just send me an email instead.