March 15, 2011

SmoothFox's Four Color Spiral Blanket - Free Pattern

SmoothFox’s Four Color Spiral Blanket
Created by Donna Mason-Svara aka SmoothFox Copyright 2011 Version 1.0

Hobby Lobby “I Love This Yarn!” 4 ply medium worsted
(1 skein, 7 oz, 355 yards of each color for newborn size blanket)

Color A - White
Color B - Soft Pink
Color C - Cream
Color D - Pistache

Hook Size I - 9 - 5.50 MM
Yarn needle
Split-Ring Stitch Holders – 4

Special Stitches:
Group – For the purposes of this pattern a group is all stitches between two ch-1 spaces.

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This blanket looks it’s best when worked with 3 skeins of one color and 1 skein of a contrasting color. COLOR A SHOULD BE YOUR CONTRASTING COLOR.

You can also work with 2 skeins of one color and 2 skeins of another of a contrasting color. COLOR A AND B SHOULD BE THE SAME COLOR AND COLOR C AND COLOR D SHOULD BE THE SAME COLOR
You can also work with 4 different colors of yarn however, your blanket will not show off the spiral effect as well unless one color is darker than all the other colors.  BE SURE TO MAKE COLOR A THE LIGHTEST COLOR AND GRADUATE TO THE LAST COLOR BEING THE DARKEST.
Blanket is worked in a spiral. Do not join rounds. Do not crochet over unused yarn.

Using color A, ch 5, join with a slip st in first ch to form a ring.

Round 1: *(Ch1, sc, hdc, 2 dc) in ring,* pull up loop of yarn, insert st holder, drop color A; join color B with a slip st in ring, repeat from * to *, pull up loop of yarn, insert st holder, drop color B; join color C with a slip st in ring, repeat from * to *, pull up loop of yarn, insert st holder, drop color C; join color D with a slip st in ring, repeat from * to *, pull up loop of yarn, insert st holder, drop color D. (8 dc, 4 hdc, 4 sc)

Round 2: *Pick up color A, tighten yarn slightly, (2 dc in next st, dc in next st) 2 times, ch 1, pull up loop of yarn, insert st holder, drop color A.* Repeat from * to * with each color. (24 dc, 4 ch-1 sps) (6 sts worked in each color)

Round 3: *Pick up color A, tighten yarn slightly, (2 dc in next st, dc in next st) 3 times, ch 1, pull up loop of yarn, insert st holder, drop color A.* Repeat from * to * with each color in turn. (36 dc, 4 ch-1 sps) (9 sts worked in each color)

Round 4: *Pick up color A, tighten yarn slightly, sk ch-1 sp, (2 dc in next st, dc in next 2 sts) 3 times, ch 1, pull up loop of yarn, insert st holder, drop color A.* Repeat from * to * with each color in turn. (48 dc, 4 ch-1 sps) (12 sts worked in each color)

Round 5: *Pick up color A, tighten yarn slightly, sk ch-1 sp, (2 dc in next st, dc in next 3 sts) 3 times, ch 1, pull up loop of yarn, insert st holder, drop color A.* Repeat from * to * with each color in turn. (60 dc, 4 ch-1 sps) (15 sts worked in each color)

Round 6: *Pick up color A, tighten yarn slightly, sk ch-1 sp, (2 dc in next st, dc in next 4 sts) 3 times, ch 1, group made, pull up loop of yarn, insert st holder, drop color A.* Repeat from * to * with each color in turn. (72 dc, 4 ch-1 sps) (18 sts worked in each color) (4 groups of 18 sts)

Round 7: *Pick up color A, tighten yarn slightly, sk ch-1 sp, (2 dc in next st, dc in next 5 sts, ch 1) 3 times, three groups made, pull up loop of yarn, insert st holder, drop color A.* Repeat from * to * with each color in turn. (84 dc, 12 ch-1 sps) (21 sts worked in each color) (12 groups of 7 sts)

Round 8: *Pick up color A, tighten yarn slightly, (sk ch-1 sp, 2 dc in next st, dc in next 6 sts, ch 1) 3 times, three groups made, pull up loop of yarn, insert st holder, drop color A.* Repeat from * to * with each color in turn. (96 dc, 12 ch-1 sps) (24 sts worked in each color) (12 groups of 8 sts)

Round 9: *Pick up color A, tighten yarn slightly, (sk ch-1 sp, 2 dc in next st, dc in next 7 sts, ch 1) 3 times, three groups made, pull up loop of yarn, insert st holder, drop color A.* Repeat from * to * with each color in turn. (108 dc, 12 ch-1 sps) (27 sts worked in each color) (12 groups of 9 sts)

Round 10 through completion:  Repeat Round 9 until you are ready to finish off.  You will be increasing the number of stitches across with each round.  Where it says in Round 9 to work the next 7 sts, this number will increase with each round.  It should be evident because of the number of places that the stitches can be worked into.  Just always remember to do 2 dc in the first st after skipping the chain space.

FINISHING NOTES: Please read before finishing off your blanket. There are 12 panels. You should keep in mind that since there are 4 colors of yarn when you work the final rounds of each color, make sure that you only have 3 panels of each color of yarn as the final round. I’m not sure if that makes sense but you don’t want the final round to be 6 panels of lets say pink, 1 panel of another color and so forth as the final color. Make sure that all 4 colors of yarn have their own 3 panels as their final round.


On final round of color A continue pattern until you have 3 stitches left before the last ch-1 sp, (hdc in next 2 sts, sc in last st, slip st in ch-1 sp). Finish off. Repeat for each color of yarn.

Created by Donna Mason-Svara aka 2011

This pattern has been tested. Please notify me of any pattern corrections. I will answer any and all questions you may have with the instructions. Do not plagiarize this pattern. All patterns are my original designs. Please do not re-sell my patterns or give them away for free or post my patterns on the Internet. You may sell items you make from my patterns at craft fairs, fund raisers or custom orders for friends and family but please do not sell finished items on the internet without my written permission. Do not claim designs as your own.

This pattern is copyrighted by me and I give my permission for you to post pictures of items made from my pattern on your website if you will post a link back to my ETSY store if the pattern is for sale. If the pattern is free, please direct people to my blog. Be sure to list the name SmoothFox as the designer.


  1. This is a fabulous! What possibilities :)...Could you post a picture showing the finished blanket?

    Thank you for sharing this pattern!

  2. What a beautiful blanket and excellent tutorial! Thank you for sharing!


  3. I appreciate the pictures to explain the pattern. I was wondering if it would work in a rainbow of 6 colours? I'd sure like to try it as I have some yarn left over from another baby afghan, and I think it would look wonderful.

  4. Just an amazing pattern! I'm curious, though. What does "pull up loop of yarn, insert st holder, drop color..." mean exactly? What is the difference between "pull up loop of yarn" and just a simple "ch 1"?? And when you pick up the color again, you leave that "loop" in the pattern?

    I really want to make this, but wanted to clarify before getting into it and having it look weird if I did it wrong.

    Thanks so much for the free pattern! It's beautiful!

  5. I love this blanket and want to make it for the baby I am expecting. However, I can't get round 1 to work for me. All 4 colors end up hanging and dangling separately, not like the picture you posted of how round 1 should look when done...could you give more detailed directions for round 1? Thanks, Sarah

  6. This video link below might help. It is a different pattern but gives you th idea. It is the first of two parts


  7. Would love to print this pattern directions, but not crazy about printing 27 pages. Is there a "printer friendly" page that I'm not finding?

  8. Can anyone tell me the measurement of this across once its completed? I love the pattern, but due to a color request I'm only using 3 colors! So I cant just go by how much yarn, as I will be adding an additional skein to each of my three colors to make up for the fourth.

    Thank you for the beautiful pattern!


Please post general comments for everyone to see however if your comment is regarding that you want to test a pattern or need me to fix an error in a pattern - do not leave a comment. Just send me an email instead.