May 27, 2011

Show some Love - Your help is still needed

Thank you very much for participating in our charity square drive.  It was such a huge success and we will do another drive in the future.  I had no idea that we would reach the first goal of 500 squares so quickly.  After achieving the goal we raised the goal to 1,000 and we also beat that goal.  During the 2 month span so many of you generous people sent in afghans, booties, squares, hats and more that our count ended at over 1,500 squares donated.  They will all go to good use.  From the bottom of my heart I wanted to thank you one and all.  I look forward to our next charity square drive in the future. 

As the SmoothFox charity drive comes to an end, your help is still needed.  Mary with Online Angels has notified me that they still are in desperate need of crocheted or knitted squares and afghans due to the Tornado damage and so many families who are homeless across the United States.  They have more requests than they can possibly fill. 

If you are interested in helping them out, here is the mailing information and Mary's email address so you can ask her your direct questions.  Remember you MUST put a note in with your items with your email address if you expect to be emailed that your items were received. Don't forget the Presidential Awards you can earn but you must let Mary know you are interested in having her track your donations towards a Presidential Award.

Online Angels, Attn: SmoothFox, 36B Pine Drive, Pottsville, PA 17901

Once again, don't forget to include your email address so that Mary can let you know your squares have been received. Her email is the only notice you will receive. is Mary's email address

1 comment:

  1. I'll send more squares. Is there a deadline or is it an ongoing need?


Please post general comments for everyone to see however if your comment is regarding that you want to test a pattern or need me to fix an error in a pattern - do not leave a comment. Just send me an email instead.