December 13, 2011

SmoothFox - Chicken, Owl or DoDo Bird French Cozy - Knit and Crochet used - Free Pattern

Years ago I was into doing ceramics and made a small chicken sitting on a basket and gave it to my sister.  She loves that little ceramic dish.  Anyway, last Christmas I told her I'd make her a cozy to go over her French Press a.k.a. Cafetière.  I then promptly forgot her request until she reminded me a couple of weeks ago.

I set about creating what I thought was a chicken sitting in a nest cozy.  My husband walks in and see's it and says "Cute Owl" so I was shocked yet laughed and looked at it closely and thought, yeah it could be an owl.  However, once I was done with it I also thought it could be a DoDo Bird.

Anyway, here is the video and if you know how to knit and crochet I believe you can follow the video to make it.


1 comment:

  1. hey there,

    how much money would it cost for you to make me one like this???


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