January 31, 2013

SmoothFox Peppermint Mocha

This square is my submission as the February square in the Designers Showcase Sampler sponsored by Melinda Miller. 
Melinda Miller from MoCrochet and Melinda Miller Designs on Ravelry is hosting a unique CAL for 2013. This year we will crochet a Designer Showcase Sampler. It will be comprised of twelve – 12” afghan blocks that are designed by various designers. Each month a mystery Designer will be revealed and you will get to know her and her designs. At the end of the year, you will have enough blocks to make your very own Designer Showcase Afghan to keep for yourself or to give away.
I have also included a video link in the pattern to help those unfamiliar with some of the techniques early in the pattern.  After creating this video I realized that the square needed an additional round inserted before the final two rounds to make the square 12x12 so you can only follow the video up to round 8.  Then you must refer to the pattern for the completed square. However the techniques at the end of the video still match up with the techniques used in the pattern. The important rounds that are in the video are the early rounds.


Created by Donna Mason-Svara aka SmoothFox  ©2013 01/31/2013

Hobby Lobby “I Love This Yarn” 4 ply medium worsted yarn
Color A: Pink
Color B: Taupe
Color C: Linen
Color D: White

Hook Size: I/9 5.50 mm
Size:  12” x 12”
Skill level:  Advanced beginner
Notions: Yarn needle 

Ch-5 Picot – Ch 5, slip st in top of dc at base of picot ch-5

[Yarn over, insert hook in indicated stitch, yarn over and pull up loop, yarn over, draw through 2 loops] 3 times, yarn over, draw through all 4 loops on hook

[Yarn over, insert hook in indicated stitch, yarn over and pull up loop, yarn over and draw through 2 loops]4 times, yarn over, draw through all 5 loops on hook

Yarn over, insert hook from front to back around top of next hert cluster, yarn over and pull up a loop that is even with the last st worked and complete dc

My Crochet & Knit related gifts: http://zazzle.com/smoothfox*
My blog: http://smoothfoxlover.blogspot.com/

If you want a .pdf copy of this pattern or if you make this item – please click on this link below and add your own pictures as a project on Ravelry. Just click on the crochet hook with the words “Hook It” if this is a crochet pattern or if it is a knit pattern click on the words “Cast On” near the top right side and this will add your item as a project. Then you can add the pictures when you have completed your project.

Some rounds end with either a ch-1 plus a double crochet or a ch-1 plus a half double crochet in the top of the beginning ch-3 to position the hook in the proper position for the following round.  This joining will be referred to as a space when completed.


Here is the video link for this project:

Using color A, ch 4, join with a slip st in the 4th ch from hook to form a ring.

Round 1: Ch 3 counts as a dc in all rnds, 11 dc in ring; join with slip st in
top of beg ch-3.  (12 dc)  

Round 2:  Ch 3, dc in same st, 2 dc in each st around; join with slip st in top
of beg ch-3. (24 dc)

Round 3:  Ch 3, 2 dc in same st, ch 1, sk 2 sts, [3 dc in next st, ch 1, sk 2
sts] 7 times; join with slip st in top of beg ch-3. (24 dc, 8 ch-1 sps)

Round 4:  Ch 3, dc in same st, dc in next st, 2 dc in next st, ch 2, sk ch-1 sp,
[2 dc in next st, dc in next st, 2 dc in next st, ch 2, sk ch-1 sp] 7 times; join
with slip st in top of beg ch-3. (40 dc, 8 ch-2 sps)

Note; Each heart should now have 5 dc’s. Counting from right to left, they will be referred to as the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th dc.  To create the top of the heart bumps, you will be working 2 sts in the 1st dc and the 5th dc.


Round 5:  Ch 2, dc3tog over the 1st dc, 2nd dc and 3rd dc (four loops on hook), ch 3, dc4tog over the 3rd, 4th and work the 5th dc twice (5 loops on hook), ch 4, sk ch sp, [dc3tog over the 1st dc twice, 2nd dc and 3rd dc (5 loops on hook), ch 3, dc4tog over the 3rd , 4th and  work the 5th dc twice (5 loops on hook), ch 4, sk ch sp] 7 times; join with a slip st in the top of beg cluster.  Finish off. (16 clusters, 8 ch-4 sps, 8 ch-3 sps)

NOTE: The pattern is 4 dc, 4 dc, 4 dc, 5 dc in the chain spaces
Round 6:  Using color B join with a slip st in ch-4 sp to the right of any heart, ch 3, 3 dc in same sp, fpdc around the top of heart cluster, 4 dc in ch sp, fpdc around the top of next heart cluster, 4 dc in next ch sp, fpdc around the top of heart cluster, 5 dc in next ch sp, [fpdc around the top of next heart cluster, 4 dc in next ch sp, fpdc around the top of next heart cluster, 4 dc in next ch sp, fpdc around the top of next heart cluster, 4 dc in next ch sp, fpdc around the top of next heart cluster, 5 dc in next ch sp] 3 times, fpdc around the top of last heart cluster; join with slip st in top of beg ch-3.  Finish off. (68 dc, 16 fpdc)

Round 7: Using color C, join with a slip st in any st, ch 4 counts as a tr, 2 tr in same st, *tr in next 3 sts, dc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 5 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts, tr in next 3 sts, 3 tr in next st, **ch 2, 3 tr in next st,* repeat from * to * 2 times and from * to ** one time; join with ch 1 plus hdc in top of beg ch-4. (48 tr, 16 dc, 16 hdc, 20 sc, 4 ch-2 sps)

Round 8: Ch 3, 2 dc in same sp *sk 2 tr, hdc in next 4 sts, sc in next 13 sts, hdc in next 4 sts, sk last 2 tr, ** (3 dc, ch 2, 3 dc) in corner sp,* repeat from * to * 2 times and from * to ** once, 3 dc in beg ch sp, join with ch 1 plus hdc in top of beg ch-3. (24 dc, 32 hdc, 52 sc, 4 ch-2 sps)

Round 9: Ch 3, 2 dc in same sp, *hdc across to next corner, **(3 dc, ch 2, 3 dc) in corner sp,* repeat from * to * 2 times and * to ** one time, 3 dc in beg corner sp, ch 2,  join with slip st in top of beg ch-3.  Finish off. (24 dc, 108 hdc, 4 ch-2 sps)

Round 10: Using color B join with a slip st in any corner, ch 3, (dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in same sp, *ch-5 picot in top of dc just created, [dc in next 3 sts, ch-5 picot in top of dc just created] 11 times, **(2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in corner sp,* repeat from * to * 2 times and from * to ** once; join with slip st in top of beg ch-3. Finish Off. (148 dc, 48 ch-5 picot, 4 ch-2 sps)

Note: Do not work any stitches into the picots.  Push picots forward,toward  yourself. You work all stitches in the dc’s from the prior round.

Round 11: Using color D join with a slip st in any corner, ch 3, (dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in same sp, *dc in each st across to next corner, **(2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in corner sp,* repeat from * to * 2 times and * to ** one time; join with slip st in top of beg ch-3.  Finish off. (164 dc, 4 ch-2 sps)

Created by
Donna Mason-Svara a.k.a.  SmoothFoxLover@yahoo.com ©2013

This pattern has been tested.  Please notify me of any pattern corrections. I will answer any and all questions you may have with the instructions.  Do not plagiarize this pattern.  All patterns are my original designs. Please do not re-sell my patterns or give them away for free or post my patterns on the Internet. You may sell items you make from my patterns at craft fairs, fund raisers or custom orders for friends and family but please do not sell finished items on the Internet without my written permission. Do not claim designs as your own.

This pattern is copyrighted by me and I give my permission for you to post pictures of items made from my pattern on your website if you will post a link back to my Ravelry store if the pattern is for sale.  If the pattern is free, please direct people to my blog.  Be sure to list the name SmoothFox as the designer.  


  1. Oh, Donna! I love this one! I want to make 12 of just this one!

  2. I crocheted your square and uploaded as a project on Ravelry but cannot figure out how to make it show on your pattern, I'm sorry! It's a beautiful pattern and easy to work.

  3. I agree. This is gorgeous. In fact, yours is the best crochet blog/site I've ever seen. Am not much of a crocheter (mainly knit), but after seeing your huge directory of patterns, I want to give it a try right away. Also Online Angels. Thank you for your kind generosity in sharing your wonderful talents with us all.


Please post general comments for everyone to see however if your comment is regarding that you want to test a pattern or need me to fix an error in a pattern - do not leave a comment. Just send me an email instead.
