July 22, 2011

SmoothFox Helper's

You may notice that some blog posts may come from SmoothFox Helper Cindy.  Don't be alarmed LOL... Cindy is an awesome lady and helped in such a great way with the prior charity square drive.  She is going to additionally try and help take some of the load off of me by helping with the blog so I can get more designing done.

I was also thinking of asking for volunteers (most likely people I'm familiar with) who may be interested in becoming SmoothFox Helpers themselves.  People who might be interested in helping with blog posting about tips and techniques or stories of interest in the crochet / knitting world or someone who wants to help with running and tracking the upcoming charity square drive or even volunteering to coordinate testing of patterns for either myself or other followers of the blog.  There is also a need for someone very familiar with Blogspot who can help me turn the blog into a work of art LOL, setting up pages etc. (which I can't figure out for the life of me).  So if you are interested, please contact me.

More to the story - more reasons that I'd like a little help - A little known fact is that this blog gets about 70,000 hits a month and that produces a lot of email and not enough time for the fun stuff like crocheting and knitting.  Additionally, I've been extremely afraid that if something happened to me - no one would be able to fill-in to let people know and keep things going if I were sick. SmoothFox Helper Cindy accomplished her first blog post last night and although it took her quite a while to do it, I'm sure she will get the hang of it very quickly.  Thank you very much Cindy!


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Please post general comments for everyone to see however if your comment is regarding that you want to test a pattern or need me to fix an error in a pattern - do not leave a comment. Just send me an email instead.
