July 22, 2009

TESTERS FOUND for two 12 x 12 squares


Testers Top Square: Carmen, Jeree, Jessica, Meg, Luana, Carol, Caprice, Lacey

Testers Bottom Square: Debby, Christine, Molly, Vims, Jessica, Charlene, Sandra

I've got two patterns ready to be tested. Don't be afraid to volunteer to test the squares. I had several emails from people who thought you have to be super experienced, or have to have tested for someone before. That's not the case. Just be willing to read the pattern, find errors and as you find the errors (if any) you email me the errors so I can correct it before I send the pattern out to the next tester.

The pictures above show two squares. Neither square was laid out very well when I took the pictures but as you can see if you look closely, the square on the top has Pink, light pink and white. I think it would look prettier if it was worked in the reverse order of colors than I worked it but you can use white and two shades of yellow or two shades of purple or whatever, it's up to you. The square on the bottom started out with me creating another ripple pattern but I thought why not make a ripple flower square or a ripple square. I don't think either one would look very good in a varigated yarn though.

If you are a FOLLOWER and would like to test, email me your FOLLOWER name and make sure you read the information below.

1. You must be able to complete testing by Sunday night.

2. You can only test one of the squares at a time. If you want to test both patterns, that's great but only request one at a time. After sending me the completed info I requested on the completed square, I'll send you the second pattern to test if you'd like.

3. You must be able to send me any errors in the pattern or stitch counts you may find.

4. You must be able to send me an attached picture of your completed square laid out nicely with all ends tucked in.
5. Oh and one more thing, you must know how to crochet and have fun. LOL!!!!!

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Please post general comments for everyone to see however if your comment is regarding that you want to test a pattern or need me to fix an error in a pattern - do not leave a comment. Just send me an email instead.
